Legends Rising > County Laws > Robbery & Negotiation Procedures

Robbery & Negotiation Procedures

When responding to a robbery, officers must adhere to a strict procedure:

  1. Negotiator: The negotiator is the first to arrive and serves as the main point of contact with suspects. They negotiate deals and decide when to breach, coordinating with the Lead of Operations. If hostages are present, negotiations prioritize their safe release. Without hostages, attempts are made to secure surrender; if unsuccessful, prepare for breach.

2. Lead of Operations: The second arrival, responsible for keeping all law informed and aiding the negotiator. They position officers tactically and defer to the negotiator's decisions unless negotiation rules are broken.

Upon arrival, the negotiator announces their presence and incoming law enforcement. Negotiations must not be broken by law enforcement unless the suspect breaches the agreement first.

After suspects are detained or attempt to flee, the negotiator secures any hostages and, if applicable, locks down the bank. They decide whether to breach the scene, with support from the Lead of Operations in placing responding officers and sharing information.

Criminals without hostages have limited negotiation leverage. Should it be confirmed there are no hostages, police have the right to breach if necessary.

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Robbery & Negotiation Procedures